【Osaka castle】Learning Bushido & Zen at Samurai Calligraphy in kimono
Resignation is the last character to be written in this world in preparation for death.Calligraphy is imbued with the aesthetic sense of Japanese culture, but before you experience it, please imagine yourself saying goodbye to this world soon. Before you experience it, imagine that you will soon have to say goodbye to this world.You will be dressed in kimono or hakama like a samurai.
- Descripti
Resignation is the last character to be written in this world in preparation for death.Calligraphy is imbued with the aesthetic sense of Japanese culture, but before you experience it, please imagine yourself saying goodbye to this world soon. Before you experience it, imagine that you will soon have to say goodbye to this world.You will be dressed in kimono or hakama like a samurai.
- Description of the Book of Resignation
In the Warring States period, life and death were always next to each other. One of the essential practices of the samurai at the time of their death was the writing of resignation.When a samurai foresaw his death, he would look back on his life and write down his last words as his last words on earth.
There are basic calligraphy techniques such as “tome,” “hane,” and “harai” that you should practice.Each kanji character has its own meaning, so know what meaning the last character you chose has.Learn the stroke order of the kanji.
‐Let’s become one with the rhythm of Jpn drums
Reflecting on your life up to now, imagine a story of what kind of feelings you would like to entrust to us, and think about and assemble the letter composition (design) of the last letter in this world
【Reading them makes me think about the rest of my life.】
One of the essential practices of the Samurai at the time of their death is the resignation.
When they foresee their death, they look back on their life so far and write it down in writing as their last words on earth. However, they are not lamenting for themselves.
They say that life is fleeting, and the poems of the samurai who lived through a time when they did not know what tomorrow would bring are a painful reminder of how fleeting life can be.
【Looking back on your life, what feelings do you entrust to a single letter】
The calligraphy of resignation strongly expresses the life philosophy of the person who wrote it. Unlike ordinary calligraphy, where one keeps one’s mind quiet and focused and faces a half-sheet of paper alone, the calligraphy is written on a huge whole sheet of paper with a heavy brush. This writing process is expressed as a performance.
【First, let’s learn about common Japanese calligraphy.】
You will gain a deeper understanding of the difference between calligraphy as a form of character decoration (caligraphy), which also exists overseas, and Japanese “shodo” (calligraphy).
Calligraphy is a traditional Japanese culture that uses brush and ink to express characters in an artistic way, and is appreciated for the neatness of the characters, the way the brush is used, the shade of the ink, and the beauty of the overall arrangement.

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